
By Snowyjones

Marvellous bit of kit!

Firstly a huge thank you to all my friends who bought me this before I left, it really was the sweetest thing. It’s only taken me 5 hours to get it up and running, not entirely my own incompetence this time I don’t think. The librarians all got involved and they agreed it was the computer malfunctioning but perhaps they were just being kind. Anyway, all activated now and ready to receive distress signals, am sure there are other groovy things it can do as well but enough technology for one day.
I will be heading into Mt Aspiring National park on Thursday for a three day adventure and will be checking out the famous hikers huts they have here. Some you can book and some are first come first served, it seems unlikely I will be among the first so I will have to take my tent for the first night. Second night I am booked into the hut and a jet boat booked for the last wee leg on day 3 to avoid a river crossing that I don’t want to do on my own. All quite exciting and the weather is looking fabulous!

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