
By K9tam

First sign.

First sign of spring? 

I planted these Snowdrops in the autumn, it's lovely to see them pushing up through the wet soil. I remember reading that they may not come up for two years so am happy to see that, this one at least is making it's way in my garden.

We're up to Manchester on Thursday so I've given the dogs a bath. It's always easier to keep them cleaner when they have been bathed, and I'm conscious when visiting a non doggy household it's nicer if they smell pleasant! I had to work fast as it's not very warm today. We are lucky to have excellent water pressure here, plus a hot tap outside, so can keep them covered by a hot spray of water.

Sat listening to the wind and rain hammering at the windows and glad I'm not heading out tonight.

Thank you for the hearts and reactions for yesterday's blip! 

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