through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes

To the man who has the weight on his shoulders:

We have gone through a lot this past year.
Too much.

You have gone through a lot.

I am really, really proud of you.
And grateful.

Grateful for those long hours you have put into work so we have food on our table and clothes on our backs.
Grateful for those moments when you were the patient parent and strong rock of this family when I couldn't be.
Grateful for all the love you have poured into us and asked for nothing back.
Grateful for those nights when I had tears to shed and you stayed up with me despite having work the next day.

It has not been easy.

We lost a dear one.
We had to hold our son while he was attached to machines.
We struggled in this and that
and in this and in that
and this and that.

But we held on.

You held on.

To me. To him.

To this belief that we can do it together.

And you believed it since day one.

So thank you.

For the past four years.

Happy anniversary, my love.

It has been an adventure with you.

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