The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Great tit in the snow

Today's blip is just one taken through the kitchen window of one of the many birds I've seen today and fed constantly. The light was quite low so high ISO required.

I don't know where the day's gone really, although feeding/watching the birds and trying to photograph them actually takes up more time than you think. They don't seem too keen on those frosted Shreddies. The wren even turned her beak up at the lovely nutty, kibble mix I put out for her, but literally ran along the window ledge to take the live mealworm from my fingers. The pair of bullfinches appeared across the road again late afternoon but the light was too low for photographing them.

I'd been due to visit my family in Grimsby yesterday and today but with the forecast being dodgy all week and with them having more snow than here, a 100 mile or so car trip seemed silly, so I've postponed for now, which gave me my day off at home today.

Once again the Geisha has taken up too much of my time. With it being so snowy, I was in no hurry to go anywhere to buy lamps/bulbs for my lightbox creation, but I thought I'd give her another try in a darkened room. Still rubbish. I hope she will feature as a blip once I've got the correct lights/bulbs.

Hopefully get out the house for a while tomorrow, wrap up well and find something snowy to photograph within a walkable radius.

Meanwhile, putting another log on the fire and back to the photo mag pile with a large cuppa tea

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