Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Well, the sun was just about gone and I didn't have a crank up the ISO and head out to the deck and hope for the best.  Almost immediately, I heard the beeps of a White-breasted Nuthach who posed momentarily in front of the lens.  Snap.  Done.  Well, not totally done as I ran this through Topaz DeNoise AI and then sharpened it a bit.  

A friend picked me up late this morning and we headed north to High Point State Park where we met up with three other friends and embarked on an afternoon of Eagles.  Because the Delaware River is completely ice free right now, the eagles were a bit harder to find, but we eventually ended up with 9 and a modest assortment of other birds.  The photos were all crap, and have been deleted.  But the day was fun and the weather was perfect and it was just good to be out.  Most of our traveling was in the car with some brief stops at pull-outs to scan the river.  Very easy on my foot.

One of my friends has a whole family of beavers on her land so I'm invited to come over and photograph them one day soon.  And she has a kitten, so I'll get a kitten-fix too.  Bonus.  

I'm now off to soak my foot.  


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