
By Transitoire

Jour de Neige

I wish. So snow in Normandy happened today, but not in the morning when it was supposed to, but halfway through the afternoon when I was in school already. Sod's Law! So cue panic in school as some kids live more than twenty miles away from the school, take the bus into school...and the bus was cancelled. I don't think the French understand that children going to school have to somehow get back. But it did mean that I got to go home early myself, and had a coffee with people before serendipitously managing to arrive at the tram stop as one was pulling up (sporadic is not the word for the trams today!) - so rather a lot easier than anticipated.

Started my day with the normal sixième class...who were very excited about the idea of snow, they couldn't stop looking out of the window! I had to take groups of them for a speaking exam, and I'll be honest, impressed I was not. Maybe it is because I have more time with the INTER classes than normal ones...but maybe it was because they hadn't prepared, who knows. I did have to stifle a smile at one point when one of them told me with a completely straight face that "the old man is under the tree and the cat is in the bin" (they are learning all the prepositions)! As the snow started to fall down in earnest after lunch, it was all systems go to get school closed, so I don't actually have any more lessons to tell you about!

In other news, I found a new band that I really rather like...might have to buy/download some other stuff by them.

Words I learnt today:-
- Slippy - glissant
- To tease - taquiner
- Attainable - accessible
- Unspeakable - épouvantable

Things that could have happened tonight: dinner with the girls, tram stopped that; cinema, tram also stopped that. Instead, well, I attempted to look for and apply for jobs in France for the summer, and went for a wander in the snow to take this picture. Kind of ironic really, a woman who was driving her car towards this sign didn't stop...and she hit brushed lightly touched a lamppost after skidding on the ice. If she had had stopped, things might have been different I guess! Neither the car nor the lamppost seemed to suffer any lasting damage.

And to finish, a little phrase from my organiser: 'Chéri, passe-moi le fouet. Connaissez-vous un petit poussin noir coiffé d'une coquille d'oeuf. Le voyez-vous comme votre alter ego dans ce monde trop injuste (envers vous)? Si oui, reprenez-vous. Arrêtez de vous accabler de reproches, de tout disséquer et interpréter, de vous croire responsable de tout. Soyez légère comme un nuage.'

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