Elegance personified.

Went to the gym and made a bee line over to Vic, to wish him a happy birthday. Jill was close by, so we sang to him which I think he liked. The romance is blossoming, so that is good news for him. Quite a few newbies there today, although how long they will last , who knows?  Walked over to town afterwards, and I really liked this new window display in the bridal shop. I went into one of the many charity shops, and  a guy shouted to the lady who works there, Got any tents?  She obviously new the guy, and said that she didn't. Off he went, and then she proceeded to tell me that his name was Chris, and that he has been banned from Bridgend town. She said that the shop has given him a lot of help with blankets clothes etc, and a lot of local people have given him money. He has rewarded all the kind gestures by spending the money on drink, and then breaking the town shop windows, hence the ban. So there are two sides to every story. Another gloomy dark day. but it is getting a bit lighter every night, thank goodness.

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