Time to play with the Christmas present

Took my car to have new tyres fitted before its MOT only to find one of the wishbones (?) needs replacing too. Ahh. It's now booked in for further work before the MOT.
This afternoon has been cold and windy with lots of rain. I managed to get out into the garden for a few minutes to take this picture of the first flower on a new Camellia (Donation) which I planted last Summer so I haven't seen it before. It was a miserable looking picture of a rather lovely flower so I have had a play with the photoshop elements which my husband bought me for Christmas. I also got a very thick book entitled 'Photoshop Elements for dummies' which I started to read but then gave up and just played with the programme. I'd like to be able to tell you which filters I used but I haven't mastered that bit yet - ripple, or was it wave?! All good fun on a miserable day.
Off to see Sleeping Beauty tonight at the local cinema- live (I think) from Covent Garden. The poor man's option but still good. I booked the ticket with some friends back in September and had totally forgotten about it. Good job they remembered.

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