
By AngelaA

Peckham in the snow

Blip drama today. This is the picture I wanted to blip but my husband talked me out of it and I posted a picture of the Shard instead. The Shard building is alright but as odd as my husband finds, I genuinely believe this to be the more interesting and beautiful picture.

Anyway, this snap came about as I escaped from school for a few hours today. I had a meeting at the Local Authority and pretty typically, it started snowing the minute I left the building to go to the appointment. This meant, of course, the whole of London transport shut down and a journey that should have taken twenty minutes took sixty.

This is a pic of a housing estate in Peckham on my way home. I've taken to sitting at the top of bus and hovering around anyone sat in the front seat until they move so I can steal their seat and take pics!

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