Family Artwork

After a busy day at work I went to visit Mum as she is having a new comfy chair been delivered so I had arranged to move her old one out into the entrance. While down there I than ran the hoover over the carpet . I had a nice catch up with her and heard about the phone call she received yesterday from the hospital. It turns out that when she had her heart attack she had  a chest Xray which they said was all OK. They had been looking at it again and they had sent her home with a chest infection. They then said she had to see her own doctor to get some antibiotics  to treat it , they was unable to issue her a prescription. I found both thing terribly wrong and my sister and myself are very unhappy with the whole thing.
When I was down there last week end I put these 2 hand print  canvases on her wall. They have come all the way from america and are of her  great grandson and great granddaughter. even though I posted a picture on FB  at the weekend I thought it would save searching out a blip on a cold wet windy evening. 

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