Defying gravity
See how light my marmalade is? It fair floats in the jar. A new jar sealing technique was shared with me recently - fill the jars with hot whatever, turn upside down and leave for a while. This heats the lids and, as they cool they get sucked tighter onto the jars (or something). Anyway, it has resulted in a full set of nine marmalade jars with satisfyingly popped down poppy lids. But one or two jars were a little reluctant to obey the laws of physics and drop back down to the bottom.
As always with marmalade making, I forgot three key things:
1. The marmalade is hot. You cannot test it with your finger. Not even really really quickly.
2. The jars are hot. Do not pick them up with your bare hands, not even really really quickly.
3. It will set. Every time I make it I panic about having a pan full of bitter orange soup. But it sets. Every time.
So, next time* I make marmalade, I'll try and remember them.
Not much else going on. Sunny, then rainy, then freezing, then sunny. Very cold. Went to the lovely GP lady who doesn't make me pay for some prescriptions, and almost plucked up courage to make an appointment for a smear test. Next time. (I think I will need to find someone bilingual to ask about relevant terminology!)
More driving around in rain taking TallGirl to and from basketball. Then making a dessert chosen by CarbBoy: homemade custard with ice cream in the middle, meringues on the side and all doused in homemade chocolate sauce. The homemade custard, made with TallGirl's low-lactose semi-skimmed milk was not the best I've ever made...
*In normal life this would be next January, or possibly the January after since we don't actually eat that much marmalade. However, I have plans for two more types of marmalade, so it may actually be on Sunday... Hopefully I can remember three things until then.
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