
Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . . to despair

When I happened to mention the trauma associated with wifi-enabled printers the other day - it was very reassuring to realise that I was not alone in my troubles.  

I did, however, manage in the end to get it all sorted.  The printer worked, it was linked up with a variety of laptops, mobiles and tablets - and I had signed up to receive an endless supply of ink cartridges.  I wouldn't even have to think about it - the printer would let them know at HQ whenever the ink was running low, and the cartridges would arrive in the post as if by magic.  All was well - for at least 24hrs.

This morning the printer was completely lifeless.  No amount of fiddling could persuade that screen to light up.  It had died a death.  So there was nothing for it but to drive to Dumfries and take it back from whence it came.  They swapped it for a new one without any questions - after all it was only a couple of weeks old.  Apparently printers are the most unreliable bits of equipment that they sell.  Everyone has problems with them.  

So that was good - just one problem though.  I'm back at the beginning again - I'll have to go through all that palaver of setting it up again . . . . . . . ?!

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