
By mamasuzi


Kind of a grim day, had some less than good news.

The postponed ballet show was on tonight, but I never got a chance to take many pictures, I seem to have become wardrobe mistress by default. I spent the evening handing out cherub wings, tinsel skirts, and mulberry leotards, and poking hairgrips into buns. Tomorrow the show is on again, and I am going to be in the audience. I did get a nice shot of the angel getting her wings on, but I decided to go with this instead.

As we drove home, we saw this hare. I am gutted that I didn't do a better job, I should have been able to get a nice focused shot, but I was all fingers and thumbs (I'd been sleeping, luckily with the camera on my lap or I'd have got nowt), and Emma didn't do a very good job of keeping the headlamps on him, and the autofocus wouldn't. But I also quite like the ghostly quality - it is a bit like a Japanese painting. Hares this far north go white in winter, he was looking lovely. They are also very territorial so maybe I'll see him here again, and apparently mate for life, so its a good job we didn't run him over.

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