Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Upside down

Had to get a friend to bring Elizabeth home from preschool today. But that was quite nice because they came in for a bit and we got to see the kids playing together. Technically her wee boy is Elizabeth's oldest friend. They *met* when she was a week and he was 5 weeks old. We're probably going to soft play with another friend too next week.

Yet more walking for Rebecca. She's really mastered it now. No turning back. Just got to get cracking with some words now! Just like with the walking, I don't think she's bothered because she can get her point across without it, she doesn't see the need to talk herself.... yet!

All the excitement of walking has had an impact on Rebecca's sleep. She's finding it really difficult to calm down at bedtime, so it's a bit of a nightmare. Plus her sleeping times are messed up. She's sleeping in until 8am, then today she had an hour's nap at 12pm and ended up awake until 11pm tonight! Crazy.

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