
By Ferjen

Pickle darling

Our dog walker sent me a message mid morning to say Pickle wasnt great and wouldn't go for his walk. I came home and took him to the vet who said he seemed dehydrated and so it was sensible for him to go in for fluids. Bloods confirmed he was quite dehydrated and but showed his kidney were OK (kidneys is the concern with raisins). I think he was also sufferring from the side effects of the sickness medicine. I picked him up this evening, he wouldnt eat all day but he was brighter and SO hungry when he got home. Fresh chicken for dinner with his kibble. He is now settled on the sofa snoring loudly and dreaming. They left the cannula in incase he needs more fluids tomorrow but I think he is OK now and they will be able to remove it tomorrow. What a day over something so simple as a small bowl of raisins. I'm feeling very grateful to have him snuggled up next to us tonight.

Thank you for the stars and comments wishing him well.

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