
By Paladian

Fly's eyes

An early one today - the sky is a little overcast, but who's complaining! It's cooler! I just hope this weather stretches over to New South Wales and Victoria so that the fire fighters have a chance to get on top of the truly terrible bush fires they are enduring.

As promised I tried the middle sized extender ring (20 mm) on my camera this morning and this is the result. The image is just a tad grainy (no I'm not being super picky, I am being objectively critical). As I said the sky is overcast, and it's pretty obvious that very good light is needed to get the best possible image.

You also need very still conditions - the slightest breath of wind and it all comes unstitched. It took quite a while to get used to the different conditions, especially to get the focus and DOF right, but I am pleased to report that the auto focus on the camera still works perfectly.

Bigger eyes.

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