Here comes a candle...

By OrangesnLemons

Royal Festival Hall, South Bank
A busy day. Snow covered the journey to Eileen's funeral and overly cautious drivers (10mph in light sleet) on the roads to Dorchester meant we were 20 mins late.
We went on to the crematorium at Oxford and caught up with everyone there.
The journey back involved much munching of the 'emergency stuck in snow' provisions I'd packed along with sandwiches from the wake - this is definitely the first time i've attended a wake in a car but it was rather good - many lovely reminisces. We continued back into town and on to the Royal Philharmonic for Tchaikovsky piano concerto and Verdi's Requiem which was wonderful and where I blipped these rather sci-fi boxes. Finally on to Baltic, a wonderful noshery, for honey vodka and grilled sardines. Home after midnight so I hope this posts to the correct date.

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