My corner of paradise

By Arete

Princesses visit Port Chalmers

A second city scape of Port Chalmers but it's not often two princesses visit.
The Sapphire Princess and Diamond Princess, both of 116,000 tons and each carrying 2,670 passengers docked yesterday.
The size of these ships is truly incredible. If you compare the buildings to the ships it gives some idea of the huge scale of these liners.
The creamy triangular building on the far right is the Port Chalmers town hall where Cara and I held our wedding reception almost exactly two years ago.
Of interest to history buffs, the street heading uphill on the right of the building is known as Grey Street. Where the intersection meets at the bottom is the site where in 1844 the New Zealand Company representatives paid the local Iwi chiefs $2,400 for the province that would become Otago. Hard to imagine that only 150 years ago the area was heavily forested and the newly arrived Europeans were able to feed themselves by shooting numerous pigeons from their tent. The ship that they arrived on, Deborah, weighed 121 tons. I guess this makes a good example of humankind's technological progress and also illustrates why perhaps were running out of some resources. I wonder what the town will look like in another 150 years?

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