Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Most of the day spent...

... hanging around the airport...
Due to leave at 1pm - the next info we're due to get is at 4pm, hoping to leave by 5pm...
We're with Tui, who are currently using a new part of Terminal 2, where I took the picture. 10 minutes walk down a long but brightly decorated corridor to the A gates... And then 10 minutes back again to pick up a money card for "light refreshments" occasioned by our delay.
Such a shame, as it was all going so well this morning as we checked the skis in!
Hope we don't end up in an airport hotel overnight... Will update you tomorrow :)

Edit 17.11 still here... Getting silly now, so I've tagged it :)

Edit 18.40 on a plane...

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