Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

New Life

in my neighbour's wet and icy garden this morning :)

Would have loved to go for a walk, but things to get done now!

Phone call to Agent's - they needed my Solicitor details, so that was sorted :)

Shopping - only Sainsbury had their first floor car park shut, so I ended up going to big Tesco.  Bonus to have the car washed and cleaned for once.  

Bad news, the car park was very slippery and the security man said they weren't allowed to grit it - how ridiculous is that??  I saw an elderly lady go flying (but luckily her relatives were with her) :(

Home to order some M&S flowers for my Mum who is going through a tough time again with the Chemo.

Then I've been clearing out my living room.  1 box for charity, one bag of rubbish, more shredding than I care to think about and two boxes so far tidied out and packed ready to move.  CDs and DVD's packed away :)

Anyone know what to do with old glasses cases (no glasses, they've all gone to charity but they didn't want the cases...I think I'll be chucking them out but any suggestions?)

Now for a rest and some dinner!  Happy Saturday folks :)

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