Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies


A busy week but no photos taken! Caught up with my lovely former colleagues, Gill and Vicki, on Wednesday for dinner at Luci's in Lasswade. Been there a few times now and would definitely recommend to anyone in the area. They often have good deals on as well.

Thursday night I visited a friend in the Western. She had major surgery on Tuesday but was recovering really well. In fact, she got home yesterday, which was great news. Then I trotted along to Stockbridge to help another friend pack up her flat for moving.

A ride on Beeby this morning. We were in the school but shared a lovely moment of genuine warm sun in the yard beforehand. Then a quick Freya walk before the RDA volunteers' afternoon tea. 30 odd grown adults, completely sober, playing musical chairs on a Saturday afternoon. And why not?

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