Coffee coneisseur
I'm not an expert on coffee but I do like one, now and then. I'm through with the milky Costa nonsense and favour something small and bitter.
But I don't know anything about coffee and I think the whole movement could get a bit up itself. But, then again, who am I to judge, why am I even writing this?
I've just cleaned the fridge, top to bottom, so perhaps this tedious but necessary activity has tipped me over the edge.
6.5 mile run this morning followed by 80 minutes at the gym with a grumpy son #1. Bus there and bus home followed by homemade smoothie full of peanut butter and banana.
Oh, we had a cortado and a hot chocolate at Tincan, featured in this, here guide to coffee establishments in the South West and South Wales. You can find out what machines they use and what bean they employ. I warned you!
Beautiful day that gives the wrong impression that spring might be just around the corner.
Discover Weekly currently failing me with some out there music choices.
Have a great Sunday.
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