Ellis Mill
I managed a lie-in of an hour today, but Minstrel wanted feeding and Jae needed to be up for football. It was nearly 8 AM though not the crack of dawn so not too bad. I had breakfast and a soak in the bath, which helped by back, though not my neck!
I wanted to take it easy today, but we decided to go to Tesco. Once the shopping was away Brian suggested driving up to Ellis Mill just off Burton Road. I could blip the mill itself and he could go take photos of the view overlooking the West Common. If it wasn't for being full of cold, we would have walked. I'm glad we didn't - it was freezing out! The light was gorgeous though!
We normally go to Jeri's on Sunday but we didn't because we didn't want to risk them catching our cold. Jeri has her first big race for 2020 next weekend, and having this cold would not help with that at all! I think Paul is also doing the race.
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