
By PeteWpics

Big swan little cottage

MrsW and I spent the afternoon over at Welney. It's so good to have some nice bright weather that we've grabbed the opportunity to get out and about this weekend. 
I saw this very large swan by a tiny cottage and the contrast in scales appealed to me. I decided to render it as a mono image as there seemed something ageless about the setting. The extra is looking over the flooded wetlands with Ely cathedral on the horizon. 
MrsW has had to put up with a rather grumpy me today as my little 14-42mm pancake lens packed up on me this morning. It did the same back last May and cost £90 to get fixed. I'm hoping that there will be some guarantee on that job but I'm not optimistic. So my images will be either on a fixed format 45mm or with my phone for the time being. Of course I could try some pinhole photos, but that would involve sourcing chemicals and paper and blips would take a little more time. Back in the day I took some rather nice images with an old biscuit tin....

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