Lost In A Book

By lostinabook

A relatively well travelled light ...

... if you accept London - Tenby - Cardiff - Aberystwyth - Tenby - Cardiff as a lot of travel.

I bought this 'Tricycyle' lamp in 1998, from SKK in Soho, whilst I was an undergrad in London. 

I had money from my 21st and, having read more interior design magazines than course books, I wanted to buy something from SKK. Having read so much about the place I was expecting something along the lines of the Conran Shop. Instead I found myself in a tiny shop filled with amazing but expensive lighting. This little lovely was the only thing I could afford. Yeah, so it's ostensibly a child's light but I still love it. The heat from the bulb makes the centre cylinder revolve, projecting the moving pattern on to outer cylinder. 

Pretty, pretty, pretty.

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