The Trick Is To Keep Breathing

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

This whole podcast thing has been a steep learning curve. It's just the stupid things you don't think about. Like, who amongst us spends prolonged periods of time monologuing to themselves?

So when I'm reading my script I find myself running out of breath all the time, because I want to finish a thought without taking a big breath in the middle. Or getting that slightly sticky lip-smacking noise that the microphone picks up when you open your mouth.

What I didn't realise until I started editing it all together was that you can TAKE OUT those parts. It was fun! And now I can tell you what that lip-smacking noise looks like on the editing software. I see it and SNIP it is gone. It is like I'm not breathing at all. It is like I can breathe through my bum.

So the first episode is now ready. It's still a bit crap, but hey, it's my first go. I will get better as I go along. 

This left me the rest of Sunday to just hang out with Caro and the cats. This is Jasper in his, "Yes, may I help you?" pose.


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