It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

My Favourite Stand

After chatting yesterday with Blip Chums Telsmudger and GrahamColling about the Snow in the Park and Favourite trees I squeezed and extra job into todays itinery. That was to visit my favourite stand of trees in the snow. I discovered these in the snow a year ago just after we started shooting and took a nice shot. I have a feeling it was then I developed my love for B/W too. It's here if you want to compare.

All year I have been back during the different seasons but I felt it a requirement to go back and get them in the snow again. I guess to do the shot more justice with my new found knowledge. Unfortunately, it was rushed, the snow had started and we had to get moving. Not sure I did them proud?

I was going to get a blip from our 24hr shoot later but felt it was easier to get blip duties done for the day. The rest of the weekend will be busy so apologies, I will not have a great deal of time to comment on your blips.

Enjoy the snow whilst it lasts.

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