and through the wire...

By hesscat

Just Magic

As we are only here for 7 nights we'd decided to fit in as much as possible every other day, today being the next other day. Having been at the Mayan Ruins at Chichen Itza on Thursday, we were off to Coba today followed by another visit to a cenote. Coba had a temple that you could walk up the 120 steps and was the only one where that was possible and hence we wanted to get up and close. We thought the 120 steps in the blazing heat may do us in, but it didn't and much easier than we'd thought. Coming down was a bit slower though! In case you are wondering, our visit to Coba is actually on the first extra... in amongst the jungle there were various groups of buildings and we got a tricycle taxi between them... some poor guy had to cycle us while we sat on a double seat at the front of the bike. It was a whistle stop tour hence why we were provided with a ride! 

So we booked this excursion because it was recommended for the ruins, but we were not expecting the second stop of the day, at an underground cenote. On Thursday the cenote we swam in was due to trees collapsing through to underground rivers and leaving a massive hole. Most of this Mayan peninsula has underground rivers because it is one of the newest parts of the world that was formed, so rivers are underground and are not old enough to have carved out valleys etc. This cenote is part of a network of underground rivers that are the largest in the world. We had thought we were visiting something similar to before but we couldn't believe what we saw. So the main blip is from the main cavern where there were loads of stalactites and massive tree roots reaching down into the water. It's like the Cheddar Gorge caves,  but during formation. We wore life-vests as we swam round the caves, sometimes with 40m depth of water, sometimes with just 30cm of headroom. It might be the most amazing place I've been to and I could have stayed hours there... Mrs C felt the same way. If I'd known where we were actually going, I might have changed my mind as the thought of being underground where the roof is thinning by 2cm a year would have put me off! I've seen The Descent too many times! Anyway it was magic and we're so glad we went!

Anyways, on return to base camp, it was in time for the first show at the beach stage... now we are on extra 2. I have never been to a beach gig before and I doubt I will again... until tomorrow! It was very unusual standing in the water, drinking my Blue Hawaiian as fishes swam around us trying to eat each other, as we listened to Calexico (the name really explains their genre). Post that, we were off to the beer tasting event. Fellow Wilco fans brought beer from their local areas, mainly in the US, for everyone to sample. So we picked up a cup and followed the line around the table tasting as we went, sometimes chatting to the person who brought them. We had meant to bring some Scottish beer but in the rush had forgotten. I am sure we went over the 20 samples we were supposed to have. Very enjoyable it wassh!

Back for a wee rest before joining Sharon Van Etten at the main stage. She headlined at last years Green Man, but for some reason Mss C had suggested we should see someone else, something I later regretted, so it was good to see her for the first time! In the extras there is a view of the "arena", which has hotel rooms overlooking it. Along the sides there are various food stalls and bars, all free and again, enjoyable... unsurprisingly!

To the end the night, Wilco's second 2 hour set. Within 30 minutes there was a downpour that soaked everyone, but was very welcoming. Tonight they sung their song Sky Blue Sky, which is what this event is named after but as Jeff said "this song does not scream out a music festival at the beach, it doesn't even whisper it". Anyway, the gig was magic, even better than last night and ended with Hoodoo Voodoo where the guitarists on either side of the stage duelled to outplay each other, it was so fun.

A Magic Day and we're looking for our too early rise tomorrow, pah, more ruins!

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