Mono Monday rhymes with 'quick'

Flora enjoys carrying a stick while we're out on a walk. Or chewing one up. Here she is having done the former and starting on the latter. Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting the challenge.

Quiet day again. I've quite enjoyed having these fairly empty days when we thought we might be away. It all kicks off again tomorrow so I'm making the most of the space. The sun had gone but it's dry, breezy and mild. What a treat to get the washing out in January. The garden is definitely on the move. I wonder how it'll fare if we get a cold February. The birds are on the wing too. I saw a pair of blackbirds doing their courting thing when I was out. Then I got all excited as I thought I'd seen a treecreeper but it turns out to be a thrush (I think but I need to check with a proper ornithologist). I'm going to add it as an extra and maybe someone can help.

Out this evening on Community Council business. Need to get my head in gear for that.

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