THAT GETS ON MY WICK..................

OK not really, but it rhymes with quick!!!!

Lovely Tai Chi again this morning with C, Gladders and fellow students.  It was lovely to catch up again, especially to those that I hadn't see for a while.

I had another not great night's sleep last night, but not too bad at least I got some sleep.  Weird really because of all that exercise yesterday I should have slept like a log.  Sadly however the legs start twitching and that then means the brain kicks in *sigh*. Still I didn't have to go to work so that was something.

I've booked Hubby, G and myself to have a couple of nights at The Beamish Park Hotel (hope it's not too bad) so we can get a full day at Beamish.  This will be in March going from a Monday to a Wednesday.  Let's just hope we get some semi decent weather (not heavy rain, gails or snow basically).  

Now to find something to do en route.  I had  hoped to go to Lanercost Priory but it's closed!!!  Which way to go as well, via Kirkby Stephen or up the M6 and towards Newcastle??  Decisions, decisions.

Really looking forward to meet up tomorrow with Cumbrialass and Fletch.

Wondered what to do for a blip today, and Mono Monday is "Rhymes with Quick".  Well all I could think of was wick, and as I have several candles I thought this may do.  Sorry it's so uninspiring.  Can't complain though I've had a few days of quite good photos with great comments.  Hope to do better tomorrow.

Thank you all for dropping by, take care and see you tomorrow.

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