
By PeteWpics


Still pondering what to do about my knackered lens. It was repaired last May and of course the 6 month repair guarantee is just out of date. That repair cost £98. I could spend £98 and keep my fingers crossed that it doesn't break down again 7 or 8 months after the repair. Or I spend £250 on a new one. There is the option on a used one (like new) for £109 but that would only have a 6 month guarantee too. It's a little 14-40mm pancake lens which suits me fine as it folds so flat I can stick it on my Olympus OMD and carry the whole assembly in my pocket so is great for travelling with. I never print anything bigger than A4 so the quality is fine. I think back fondly to the days before digital when most stuff was manual and went on for ever, but then again we were spending a fortune on paper and chemicals or processing in those days I suppose. 
Meanwhile here's a teasel to meditate over.

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