January sun

Today has been sunny and almost warm enough to be without a coat. The sky, was quite incredible just moments before the sun went down. This shot is straight out of the camera. 

We collected Izzy and Tilly from school and came home to a pizza supper followed by the lovely sticky toffee pudding made by Miss T. Her school bake went well and she was able to finish and present her work in the time allowed.
She has now gone to see Little Women with a friend who has just passed her driving test. We live in a very narrow lane and I think they were nail biting moments and fingers crossed that they would not meet anyone else coming the other way.
Miss Izzy and Miss Tilly have now gone home, poor Miss Izzy is finding her school life quite stressful and says she is not enjoying school. We feel sad that an eight year old should feel this way. Learning is a life long process and the love of learning needs to be fostered always.

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