The Big Golden Dog

By Cowlieowlie


Rhymes with quick, doesn't it? (for Mono Monday). This is some Greek Yoghurt, which we often eat for breakfast at home. We eat rather a lot of it. I think more than 20 kilos since the begininng of last summer. I know because I was saving the yoghurt pots to give to a friend, and each one contains 500g of yoghurt. How many yoghurt pots did I give her?

Today, we started to study Saddam Hussein. I can't say he makes the best topic to study. The more you find out about him, the worse he seems to get! Having just finished an in-depth study of Nazi Germany, it's amazing the similarities between Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

I wonder why people become obsessed with power. I would not like to be in a position of power - it sounds too much responsibility, and therefore very hard work and scary. What is the attraction with it? Some people, like Hitler, seemed to crave it passionately, but why? The more power people like Hitler gained, the more paranoid they were about being overthrown. Did they find pleasure in killing off their enemies? Or was that pleasure only so because it seemed to alleviate some of the fear of losing power.

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