Three Pictures Tell a Story

Here's how it went down.

Three fishermen bring in a boatload of big fish, and the workers transfer the fish to a large metal container. The pelicans are above...on the roof...and they are anticipation. The birds wait for the workers to walk a few steps away...and then they strike.

Picture 1. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FISH! In between several workers chasing them off, the pelicans land, dip in, grab a fish, and then quickly depart.

Picture 2. More problems. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FISH! The head is in the left side of the pouch, and the tail of the fish is sticking out of the beak. The bird has to position the fish just right...which leads to the next problem.

Picture 3. The juggling act begins...but, not only is this photographer watching them...but the other pelicans are, too. AND...LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FISH! In order to position it just right to go down the gullet, they have to do one of three things. A. Lay it down on the dock. B. Do the juggling act with their beak open. C. Take it into the water, where the water neutralizes the weight of the fish. The problem with all 3 methods?

They all lead to an open mouth, and an open mouth leads to thievery...pelican thievery. The strongest (or the most clever) get to have a HUGE meal, and the rest go to find a smaller fish.

SO much fun to watch.

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