hello again

By admirer


The oaktree at the overside of our street. A favourite place for Piet Hein and I to sit on the balcony (not today) and enjoy the seasons providing us a different view  of the tree during the year.
My entry for the Wide Angle Challenge, with the theme: a favourite place.
Huge thanks to steveng for hosting.
The grey outlook of the day and the cold outside made that we stayed mainly inside the house. For a short time we collected leaves on the drive.
I have begun to read the book of Sigmund Freud (for the first time) with the title: Der Witz und seine Bedeutung zum Unbewussten (The Joke and its relation to the unconscious). I am curious what this will bring me.

I will give more silly hearts tonight to PL4yPhOto, Terrifo, Lsquare, and robvegnuti.

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