
By K9tam

Trafalgar Square.

Today I took Kathy's (chantler63) advice and took the train into London and spent time in the National Gallery. I need to get more comfortable carrying a camera and taking photos in public without feeling too self conscious. I took a prime lens so that I couldn't hide behind a zoom lens. Didn't get anything much, but had a good afternoon. I was trying to get motion blur of people wandering round the gallery. Was feeling more comfortable as time went on, then one of the staff members came up and said it's ok to take photos, but not allowed to video - I was using my flip out screen. I blurted out "I'm not videoing, I'm trying to take blurry pictures!" DUH! Could have explained better than that!

I was intrigued at the amount of interest in Vincent van Gogh's 'Sunflowers'. A constant crowd were taking photos, it must surely be the most photographed painting in the gallery. Extra is sunflowers being 'snapped'.

I think I will go up again as it's great to wander round like a tourist taking pictures.

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