Friday Foto

By drmackem

Baby Driver

The miseducation of....

A Photo
A wheel, not my wheel it's far too clean.

After two weeks the consultant said I'd could take the compression dressing off, and carry on as normal which included back in the driving seat of my car. The constraint on my mobility with driving to date, made me unreasonably happy to be free of the big boot and prohibition to fully weight bear, and I got to take the dogs for a walk too. Simple things....

A tune
The first album I ever owned was Simon and Garfunkel's Bridge Over Troubled Water(actually it was growing up with Wally Wyton which included such formative classics as Never Shove Your Granny off the Bus!). So the first proper album was....and for some reason I flicked this tune on today amongst all the much better car driving songs, but chirpy was what I was and this is chirpy.
Scoot down the road
What's my number
I wonder how your engines feel

Baby Driver - Simon and Garfunkel

Also reading Victor Frankel's book Mans Search for Meaning in which driving a car isn't mentioned, but it's full of timeless wisdom.
Quote for today
.“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

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