Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Small is beautiful

When I was a child I used to love making things - out of Lego, Meccano or old cardboard packaging - and then imagine myself shrinking down to a size where I could play in them. A doll’s house kind of fascination, a feeling of safety from being able to effectively disappear from view and then inhabit my own fantasy world. 

Could do with some of that right now. We’re feeling a bit under siege, what with illness and treatments with side effects, and workload. I kind of got grumpy tonight and kicked back - stomped around emptying bins, putting on washing, tidying up, anything that would shake me out of my lethargy. 

I also had a couple of compliments at work today. One colleague said I was  "sparking with ideas" and another one said they thought I was awesome. Personally I feel sluggish and uninspiring but maybe people are only seeing the good bits.

Got the quote for the new boiler and stuff today. Not bad, needs doing. Think we’ll go for it. This winter is a bit up and down (I couldn’t believe I saw blossom on the trees at work today whereas the other day it was so cold my teeth chattered). So a warmer house would make me happy. And might stop me shrinking away from reality ...

[Listened to: Best of Radiohead]

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