It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK


This picture only tells half the story. After doing a few bits n bobs, including making an amazing pot of cauliflower and garlic soup (a typical Kirkland creation...oot mah heid), I headed out for a run. There was a good covering of snow, so I was well wrapped up and prepared. In the past, I've generally taken the absolute minimum of kit, but I'm slowly changing. I had spare waterproofs, a torch, my down gillet and a survival bag. A simple slip in the hills could be serious at this time of year.

Going was slow. Although I now know the route up to Woodseats, the path was covered in snow so I just had to follow my nose and the odd waymarker. Woops, running over some ice, it broke and I ended up with a cold foot. From Charlesworth up to the top of Coombes Edge was tough...especially as I had to avoid sledges on the steep bit just beyond the cricket club. The wind was whipping up on the path between Monks Road and the Edge resulting in a face numbing wind-chill. Certainly well below zero with me leaning into the wind up the steep gradient.

On crossing Monks Road and heading towards Glossop I stopped to take this picture. I would later regret doing so. My camera started acting up, with the speed changing at will. I suspect that the temperature was below the recommended low for operating the thing! The 2 minute stop resulted in the cold getting into my bones and my fingers started to ache. With such a wind-chill factor and me moving slowly, I was getting colder so stopped to put on another layer. I was glad to reach a road near Simmondley and was then able to get a good speed up and I was soon warm again.

After a solid 15km I was pleased to get to the deli in Glossop for Saturday treats. The welcome in Praze was charming as ever..."hi Andy you big knob end" is not normally a customary welcoming pleasantry but I'm sure it demonstrates that I'm a valuable customer in an abstract sort of way. "Hurry up we're closing" I was told. "I hope you don't want any meat slicing!". "Hardly bloody likely as I'm a vegetarian" I retorted. After ladening my basket with a veggie scotch egg, oatcakes, some fine cheese etc I handed over my debit card. "Machine isn't working" I was told, resulting in me having to run over to the road to the cash machine.

Gleefully, I re-entered the shop, delighted to see that another customer had requested sliced salami....meaning the freshly cleaned meat slicer had to be used, then cleaned again! Ha ha......justice for such profane cheek! I love that shop!

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