Not Much To See Out There Today.
No magpies to chitter to and dream of hunting down, no other cats to threaten, safe in the knowledge that they can't get to him, no window-cleaners to play "chase the chamois" with, not even soothing raindrops on the window. But it's warm on the newer cat-tree right by the radiator, he's just had a tasty little morsel of leftover toast and he has no pressing engagements elsewhere, so why not just snooze awhile... The life of a pampered indoor moggy...
He always seems to want to play just as I have to leave for work these days, and not be interested when I am available. And who else's cat makes that chattering sound to birds? Minstrel seems to have different sounds depending on whether it's a magpie, gull or pigeon he can see - other types are very rare on this street!
An early Blip for me today. It's a double shift day so this will buy me a little free time later in the day. Work was pretty straightforward last night, though several customers wanted to tell me their life stories - some much more interesting than others! Some I had heard more than once!
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