Friday's painting...

...this time I had left over acrylic paints in a container. I always squeeze out too much paint no matter how I try to get a little out.

So, what to do with it?

I decided to prime the next so many pages in my sketchbook so that they were ready for me to paint on. I do like painting on a dark surface with the acrylics. I squished the paint on the pages, some were a little more watery than others.

I had an idea of what I might do with this page, but then I looked closely and realised things were suggesting themselves.

I could see a path, trees, a lady's face and an animal she was holding....

So I got my needlework scissors which are slightly curved, and rubbed and very slightly scraped the lighter areas a bit more, especially the face, and the animal I made into a cat...

Some white chalk on the path, and between the trees...

I have always seen figure and trees and landscapes  in shadows when I am trying to get to sleep, or when I wake up in the night. A bit of nightmare stuff....

I have often wondered how to paint it. I didn't paint this picture as such. I squished the excess paint that I had on the paper with no intent at all, except to use up this excess paint. So, some pages ended up a bit more squishy. I was just doing it as quickly as possible.

I have looked at the other 'primed' pages and a couple more are suggesting something within the squished paint.

It took me about an hour to do, but some of that hour is making cups of tea and looking at it wondering which is the next bit to scrape with my curved needlework scissors...

Hopefully you might see different things I haven't seen in it...

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