Martini Hospital
An appointment with Bas’ surgeon brought us to Groningen this morning.
His recently operated finger was checked. It still causes some trouble, but the surgery has helped to regain some functions.
But we aren’t there yet. Hand therapy continues and there is a chance Bas will have another (small) surgery in March, but that’s up to Bas to decide.
Considering the condition his hand and middle finger were in after the accident almost a year ago now (it was cut off for 90%) we are very happy with the results and functions so far. But it would be so nice when he regains all the functions. All the credits go to Bas for the results so far. Every day he is doing his exercises, never skipped one. He deserves to reach that final bit as well. We all agree on that.
Sometimes it still tears me in half when I look at him using his damaged left hand with his ring finger missing, and struggling with a stiff middle finger, but luckily we can make jokes about it as well.
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