Daffodil ......
..... Bulbs!
Whilst I'm awaiting the appearance of " new life" in these bulbs I also must recognise life lost? My grandson Frankie would have been 25years old today. A waste of a life taken by the blade of a knife wheeled in a vicious attack 3 years ago. Just hope he has peace in his new life even tho' it's not on earth. ( send some down to your mum and dad and sisters who are still struggling plus plus).
It's been an overcast day here again with drizzle this afternoon. Not much achieved today. Collected my prescription from chemist ( in Sainsbury's) and picked up a couple of bargains as well.
Garden path swept and scooter checked this morning , not a lot else. Will do a bit of paper work tonight, so lazy day !!!
Friday must have been more productive for most of you I'm sure.
Grateful ..... to have some help from "A" this am
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