
Up bright and early to see MrRoly and The Boy off on their adventure, my reward was a small boy climbing into my bed for snuggles and we both dozed until it was time to get up for swimming.

Coffee and pastries for breakfast for the 2 of us then a mammoth kitchen tidy/clean before dropping Princess at her friend’s.

Smallest has been desperate for a Nintendo Switch. He’s been trying to save but blew most of it on Christmas presents for us all! As all of his Birthday/Christmas money goes into his ‘Australia Fund’, I relented today and agreed he could take out what he needed to get the Switch.

Unfortunately the nearest stockist of the bundle he wanted was in St Austell so we rang the shop and asked them to keep one for him. Google suggested (and it was backed up by the shop) that they have been out of stock everywhere for some time and yesterday was delivery day.

Anyway, Smallest is happy and it allowed me to get on with a couple of hours work for one of my new clients once it was set up!

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