
By Icarus59

Im to old for all this.

Daughter and friend picked up safely last night despite the fight that broke out beside the car, they were not involved and neither was i thank goodness.
Young idiots with to much to drink and thinking they are superman , or woman , seem to enjoy ruining other peoples night out by going of on mindless sprees of violence.
Anyway i digress . As you can see i am suffering from lack of sleep and im trying everything to keep awake so i can watch the CIS cup final today and the ironic thing is , despite the time showing on my watch as its set for British summer time so i dont run late for now anyway, every other sod in the house is still asleep . ITS NOT FAIR AS I CANT GET BACK TO SLEEP.
If my team are beaten today i will be even more cranky than i am now, im not really cranky as im still a bit high from my good news the other day, but lets face the facts i cant help but feel that im passed it at the moment especially as i was sitting in the car after picking junior up and then making the comment that makes you feel like your turning into your old dad "Look at the way that young lady is dressed she has hardly any clothes on i wonder if her parents know she goes out like that."
Time for another cup of tea i think then i will go upstairs and waken everyone else up , after all its only right as im up and suffering so why shouldnt they.

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