Another import...

We headed out this afternoon to Silverburn, a huge shopping mall on the south side of Glasgow. We just needed to get out the house. When we were there we spotted Auntie Anne's, a favourite of ours from the other side of the Atlantic. They make the most yummy soft chewy pretzels dipped in butter and cinnamon sugar and have the best old-fashioned lemonade. So after yesterday's good intentions...

But why is it, that every time the UK imports a chain from the USA they almost double the prices. A pretzel from Auntie Anne's in the USA is around $2.70 (= £1.70) and here it is £3.20. We rarely buy Krispy Kreme donuts here as they are so expensive... and although we indulged today, we will not be doing this often. These are treats to be saved for when we visit the other side of the Atlantic.

Off on a big day out tomorrow... blip will be taken and I'm sure it will not be good for the waist-line. Diet starts Monday!

PS - A year ago today we got the keys for our flat.

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