
By wrperry


Today I traveled to Puerto Rico, to spend the week with my college roommate.  She's had a home here for about four years, and I haven't managed to get down until now.  I don't know what took me so long.  It wasn't the easiest trip - after landing in San Juan I had to wait a couple of hours to get a puddle jumper to the small island of Vieques off the eastern coast.  It's lovely here.  The flowers are in bloom, wild horses roam the rough winding roads, and the temperature is a perfect 80 degrees.  This is the view from her patio this evening.  As we all know, PR has suffered the last few years, and the recent earthquake hasn't helped.  I did notice buildings that have been abandoned, including a Westin Hotel on gorgeous surfside property that has been left to the elements. Even the tiny airport on Vieques was hit by the hurricane and all that remains of the building is an information booth.  Yet there is so much beauty. 
Thank you for your lovely comments on my last blip.  I really appreciate the support!

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