Tiny Brains?
Walnuts are one of my favorite snacks. I love to break them open and attempt to extract them in 2 large pieces, which resemble tiny brains.
They are high in fatty acids, protein, and fiber, help metabolize our body fat better, can reverse motor and cognitive brain problems, protect our arteries, and may even increase sperm production!
Containing more antioxidants than almonds, hazelnuts, or peanuts, walnuts are believed to help prevent cancer when part of a well-balanced diet.
Of course, raw nuts are always the best to eat, and I try to have a few walnuts and almonds every day.
Think of it this way: Walnuts for your brain and almonds for your heart.
They are even shaped like the body organs that they help keep strong and healthy!
Nature is such a beautiful thing. The simple, perfect whole foods we can eat are those that sustain the human race.
Now, do yourself a favor and go eat some walnuts.
of course.
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