Life with Alice

By elirin

Doggy Bag!

I couldn’t believe my ears when mum told me that she and Grandma were going out for lunch, and to the Golden Seagull too, which is my very favourite restaurant! And I wasn’t coming. She tried to explain that they were eating inside where poodles are not allowed. Sigh. She promised - promised! - to bring me a doggy bag.

Grandma had chosen the restaurant. If you think it’s odd that a mega old person like Grandma chooses to have lunch at a burger restaurant, you need to know that Grandma and Grandpa lived in Washington DC for a couple of years in the 1980s. Back then, mum has informed me, there were virtually no burger restaurants in Sweden, so visiting the Golden Seagull was an exotic treat.

It turned out she did remember the doggy bag! She had bought me my very own cheeseburger and there were also a couple of fries and a balloon! Yay! 

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