TinyTuesday244 The Cake Fairy II
Today turned out to be busier than expected as Daugter #2 was ill and so Violet had to be brought over from her house so that I could take her to school. All the toing a froing made for a rather grumpy Violet at first but in the end she was trooper and we made it on time.
Meanwhile her mummy visited the GP who confirmed a kidney infection so antibiotics, painkillers and lots of rest it is. Both of them will stay over with us tonight.
In the end, I didn't have that much time to think about TT, so I took an easy route, which was to pick another of my Cake Fairies, fresh from a session in Mr MC's repair shop.
Many thanks to Kangazu for hosting TT in January. Also to Hanulli for hosting the Tiny People Challenge, which I think that my fairy qualifies for.
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